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BSF Nursery Systems

Kinsect combines cutting-edge automation, patented methodologies, and intelligent design to redefine Black Soldier Fly (BSF) nursery operations.


Our technology enables efficiency, scalability, and sustainability for insect farming on an industrial scale.
Unlike existing systems, our innovation incorporates a groundbreaking approach. We have designed our cages to move within a controlled flight chamber, ensuring constant temperature and humidity.

This unique feature creates an optimal environment for the soldier flies.

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Key Features of Kinsect’s Methodology

Automated Precision

  • Fully automated systems reduce manual intervention, ensuring 24/7 operation without production fluctuations.

  • Proprietary robotics streamline egg collection, cage handling, and sanitization processes, minimizing contamination risks.

Batch Production Optimization

  • Patented batch rearing methodology ensures consistent egg yields, aligning with natural laying cycles to maximize productivity.

  • Reduces non-productive cycles by up to 30%, boosting overall efficiency.

AI-Driven Insights

  • Advanced AI algorithms monitor key environmental and biological parameters in real-time, such as temperature, humidity, and fly activity.

  • Predictive analytics optimize production schedules and improve operational decision-making.

Unique kinsect technology components


Modular breeding cages designed for space efficiency and durability.

Equipped with emerging trays to automate pupae insertion and minimize handling errors.

Capacity: Accommodates up to 46,000 flies per cubic meter.

Design: Robust materials for high-pressure cleaning and automated movement.

Output: Produces 165-200g of eggs per cycle, optimized for an 8-10 day production period.


Energy-efficient LED illumination tailored to the spectral needs of BSF. Enhances mating success and reduces energy costs by 33% compared to traditional lighting systems.

LED Technology: Spectrum optimized for BSF visual response, enhancing mating and egg-laying rates.

Customizable light intensity and day-night cycles.

Safety Features: UV radiation prevention for operator safety during maintenance.


Modular breeding cages designed for space efficiency and durability.Equipped with emerging trays to automate pupae insertion and minimize handling errors.

Egg Collection: Patented ovidepositors ensure minimal egg loss and contamination.

Capacity: Handles up to 4 egg collectors per tray, with automated robotic integration for egg transfer.

Customizable Use: Trays pre-filled with substrate for neonate feeding or for direct hatching.


Kinsect’s software ensures precise control of environmental parameters to optimizing BSF mating conditions and enhancing operational efficiency by aligning data with cage productivity.

Monitoring: Tracks cage-specific data such as fly density, egg production, and environmental KPIs.

Predictive Analytics: AI-driven insights to predict egg yields and optimize batch cycles.

Automation: Centralized management for cage movement, cleaning, and reloading processes.


Why Choose Kinsect?

An integrated nursery platform

The hardware and software components of the Kinsect solution operate in harmony following a precise breeding methodology. Batch production is employed to maximize programmability and minimize fluctuations in production.

Modular and scalable approach

System is modular, scalable and programmable by the customer according to production requirements. The system can be optimised
for different levels of automation.

Data-driven accuracy

A key factor in Kinsect’s success is our software, which grants control over all environmental parameters within the BSF mating chamber.
We can define temperature, humidity, and lighting, leveraging specific wavelengths to create optimal conditions for successful mating.
This data is cross-referenced with cage productivity, contributing to our operational efficiency.

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Kinsect s.r.l - SB

P.Iva: 02945630354 


Progetto cofinanziato dalla Regione Emilia Romagna
con determina Num. 11592 del 26/05/2023


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