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Rethinking Our Food System: The Key to a Sustainable Future.

There are many issues in our food system that require rethinking. It is not just about what we eat, but how we produce food. The United Nations has long warned us of an impending food problem, with a projected protein shortage of between 20 percent and 50 percent by 2050. If we continue down the current path, we will not meet this challenge.

Our planet is running out of resources, with arable land rapidly diminishing and deforestation leading the way. This is a short-term strategy that will have negative consequences for the environment. It is essential that we broaden our horizons and seek alternatives for large-scale unsustainable crops.

To address these challenges, we need to diversify food sources in a sustainable and efficient manner. Currently, one third of the world's food production ends up wasted, while one in ten people suffer from malnutrition. This is not sustainable, which is where the Kinsect project comes in.

Kinsect proposes the introduction of insects at the base of the agrifood chain and develops technologies to enable efficient farming. Insects can be used to feed animals, freeing up millions of hectares of crops currently devoted to them. These lands could instead be used for human consumption or for promoting biodiversity.

The same logic applies to the marine environment, where aquaculture could be a solution to address the growing shortage of fish. However, traditional aquaculture is not sustainable, as it requires huge amounts of fish to feed the catch. Supplementing fish feed with insects could save millions of tons of caught fish each year.

The Kinsect project is not just a single initiative but applies to the insect industry in general by enabling cost reductions that allow alternative proteins to replace traditional ones. Insects can help solve crucial challenges such as food security, optimizing resources and promoting circularity. Using byproducts from other agribusinesses, such as grain waste, Kinsect converts them into high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and sustainable materials such as chitosan for the production of 100 percent biodegradable plastics.

In addition, Kinsect practices raising insects in vertical structures, requiring less space and consuming less water than other agribusinesses to produce more protein. This production model aims to maximize efficiency and minimize waste, with a now small carbon footprint.

While Kinsect cannot solve climate change alone, it can help mitigate it and help people adapt better. By offering innovative alternatives, Kinsect demonstrates how food innovation can be the key to addressing the food and environmental challenges of the future.

Investors are already noticing this opportunity, but now is the time for policymakers to adapt existing regulations to support the emerging insect sector in the food chain.

Ultimately, the use of insects in food production is a practical response to the global challenges our food system faces. It is a solution that can help ensure food security, optimize resources, and promote environmental sustainability. Change is inevitable, and we must embrace it with foresight, knowing that a better future is possible through innovation and the adoption of sustainable approaches toward our food system.

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