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The environmental benefits of alternative insect proteins


Updated: Feb 21, 2024

In recent years, interest in alternative proteins has brought to the forefront an innovative perspective: the use of insects, particularly Black Soldier Fly (BSF), as a sustainable protein source. This trend not only offers new food solutions but also promotes a significant reduction in environmental impact.

Animal proteins vary significantly in their efficiency of converting food resources into edible matter. In short, meat production requires a high consumption of food in proportion to the amount of protein or meat actually produced.

  • Conversion Efficiency: If we consider the ratio of food given to animals and the edible matter produced, it becomes clear that not all food produces the same amount of protein or meat. For example, beef production requires 6 to 10 kg of food to obtain just 1 kg of meat, and much of this is made up of non-edible mass like bones.

  • Conversion Ratio: While beef typically requires between 25 and 30 kg of food for every kilogram of pure protein (not meat, but pure protein), for pork, this ratio is below 10 kg; for poultry and farmed fish, it's below 5 kg. As for crickets and mealworms, the most commonly raised insects, it ranges from 1.5 to just over 2 kg. With insects, every kilogram of food produces about half a kilo of protein, whereas with beef, it yields less than 40 grams.

  • Insect Efficiency: Insects are extremely efficient at converting food into proteins because they are cold-blooded animals and do not need calories to maintain body temperature. Additionally, most of the insect is edible, with yields reaching up to 80% for some insects, whereas for livestock, the amount of edible meat drops to 40%.

  • Lower Environmental Impact: Insects require less water compared to traditional animals, partly because they need less food, which means less cultivated land. Insects also drink less water and do not dissipate moisture like mammals do, further reducing water consumption.

  • Space Consumption and Environmental Management: Furthermore, insects require less space. While intensive livestock farming can concentrate waste and contribute to pollution, insects, such as silkworms, thrive in reduced spaces and can be raised vertically, reducing horizontal space occupation.

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Insects emit significantly fewer greenhouse gases compared to traditional animals like cattle and sheep, thus contributing less to global warming.

The efficiency of insects in converting food into proteins and their low environmental footprint has sparked a new interest in insect consumption in the 21st century, giving rise to perspectives on sustainable nutrition and a reconsideration of the role of insects as a more sustainable alternative protein source to feed the growing population.

Benefits of Insects as a Protein Source: Conversion Efficiency: Insects, especially BSF, present incredibly efficient food-to-protein conversion. These insects require minimal food to produce a high amount of protein, proving to be far superior to livestock in terms of efficiency.

Reduced Environmental Impact: Insect farming, unlike traditional meat production, requires less water, less space, and produces significantly fewer greenhouse gases. BSF, in particular, have a considerably lower ecological footprint compared to livestock.

Sustainability and Innovation: The use of insects as a protein source represents an innovation in the food industry, offering a sustainable solution for feeding the growing global population.

Black Soldier Fly as an Example of Sustainability: Nutritional Efficiency: BSF represent a model of efficiency in converting food into proteins, offering a high nutritional source with minimal environmental impact.

Reducing Environmental Impact: Raising BSF requires fewer water resources, less space, and produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to meat production, demonstrating a low environmental impact solution.

Research and Practical Applications: Ongoing research on the use of BSF and insects as an alternative protein source is leading to practical applications in sectors such as human and animal nutrition, environmental sustainability, and reducing food waste.

The growing interest in the use of insects, especially Black Soldier Flies, as an alternative protein source, offers unique opportunities to improve the sustainability of the global food chain. This innovative perspective could be a significant step towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible food future. Follow our blog for further insights into the use of insects and innovative solutions in the food industry. 🦗🌿 #Insects #BSF #AlternativeProteins #EnvironmentalImpact #FoodSustainability

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